FUREASTEEN ファーイスティーン
Tom Dante & Blue 439

Welcome to FUREASTEEN Web-site.
This site contains Fureasteen as well as musical life of Tomokazu Date / Tom Dante - BLUE 439 / Picasso Fish / Nova - EXIT / Weekend Phase. Connect to universe of beautiful noise.
Fureasteen were originally formed in London in 1995 by Tomokazu Date, who had previously played experimental music with Chez Holmes of Exit aka Nova. At first Fureasteen were a four piece band of which only Tomokazu was an experienced musician ( he preferred using japanese art school students with enthusiasm for making their own music). Each sunday they gathered in a small Kings Cross flat to record experimental music using a cheap synthesizer and Casiotone keyboards.Eventually in 1997 the band gained the attention of i Records who released a 7" single "Kasiotelemusik".Not long after its release the band split up. To this day Tomakazu still makes music under the Fureasteen name.
Electric Zen Sound FUREASTEEN ‘Kasiotelemusik’ out now!
After nearly 30 years, Fureasteen,s phatom first album is revealed.
Available #Spotify #AppleMusic #YouTubeMusic
#amazonmusic #DEEZER #TIDAL and more!!!
FUREASTEEN LIVE Part 2 / 17th Oct 1996 at Bull & Gate
Kentish Town, London, England
Part 2 Sound comes from Live performance held on October 17, 1996, also at BULL&GATE Venue.
This performance was after a contract with the British indie label CHE RECORD was decided.
This was also the time when the core sound of fureasteen gradually solidified.
FUREASTEEN LIVE Part 1 / 23rd June 1996 at Bull & Gate,Kentish Town, London,England
のライブ。あらゆるカシオトーンや安物のシンセ、ペダルなどの楽器をカセットテープが入った4TRKミキシングボードを通して、机の上で演奏しました。そして、ステージに投影されていた8mmフィルムから流された抽象的な映像と 不思議な音が会場に広がり、人々を別世界へ連れて行った。
1990年代中期・英国ロンドンで結成されたNOVA/EXIT。POST ROCKや実験音楽の影響をうけ、ノイズ・テロと言われた彼らの失われたテープをFUREASTEEN がREMIXをしてリリース。
「ファチマの第四の秘密」by ルーク・サリバンより!
'KasioREMIX 2012 after 15 years '
Available on http://fureasteen.bandcamp.com/
['KasioREMIX 2012 after 15 years ']
Silent Green BOX SET【Original 2013 & Alternative Organic Remix 2020】
Available on http://fureasteen.bandcamp.com/
Bedside recording with Ambient Guitar & other pedals.
intended for ‘Music for future vegetation ’.
★★★★Tom Dante Retrospective Collection★★★★
"All These Years I've Been1 ONE "
by Tom Dante
Available on http://fureasteen.bandcamp.com/album/all-those-years-i-ve-been-1
is a new recording of Tom Dante's old songs!
Which once made and played with his band through 80's 90’s
Tom Dante Retrospective collection!!!
All songs are written & Performed by Tom Dante a.k.a Tomokazu Date.
@Bandcamp https://fureasteen.bandcamp.com/
* You can also order [Limited Home Made Compact Disc】
©️2018 Tomokazu Date
"All These Years I've Been2 Two "
by Tom Dante
is a new recording of Tom Dante's old songs!
Which once made and played with his band through 80's 90’s, Such as 'Blue 439','Picasso Fish','Nova/EXIT','Fureasteen'.
Tom Dante Retrospective collection!!!
All songs are written & Performed by Tom Dante a.k.a Tomokazu Date.
@Bandcamp https://fureasteen.bandcamp.com/
* You can also order [Limited Home Made Compact Disc】
©️2018 Tomokazu Date
"All These Years I've Been 3"
by Tom Dante
is a new recording of Tom Dante's old songs!
Which once made and played with his band through 80's 90’s, Such as 'Blue 439','Picasso Fish','Nova/EXIT','Fureasteen'.
Tom Dante Retrospective collection!!!
All songs are written & Performed by Tom Dante a.k.a Tomokazu Date.
@Bandcamp https://fureasteen.bandcamp.com/
* You can also order [Limited Home Made Compact Disc】
©️2018 Tomokazu Date
"The Splendor of your tears / All these days 4" by Tom Dante
Music Journey of Japanese Artist Tom Dante. All new recordings of old songs. Which once written and played with his band 'Blue 439','Picasso Fish','Nova/EXIT','Fureasteen'.
'Weekend Phase' through '80s ’90s, The '00s. Tom Dante Redux!
credits released April 10, 2020
All songs are written & Performed by Tom Dante a.k.a Tomokazu Date.
Tom Dante Redux!