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When you feel love is so strange 愛の定義

愛って言う言葉は不思議だ。 愛って言うのは、時々耐えられない。 みんなはどう考えているだろ? 誰かを、何かを失った時に初めて知る愛もある。 でも、未だにわからないことだらけだ。 愛は不思議だ。




多分、失恋していたのだろう?または、失恋を想像して書いたのかな? 歌詞は最初のラインしかできていなかった。 今回のレコーディングで手直しをして完成させた!

たぶん、レオナード コーエンを聞きすぎて、このテーマに向かったんだと思う。 同じようなフレーズが彼の歌詞にあると思うけど、どうかな?


有名なジョンレノンのマイラブは今でも私のプレイリストに入っている。 そして、愛は失敗もする。




僕が今、住んでいる国分寺には彼の思い出の土地がいっぱいあるようだ。 ある夜、バイクに乗ってサーッと走っていく彼を見かけたと思ったけど。 彼は存命だったけど、10年以上も前だったし、


でも、その日の夕暮れはとてつもなく綺麗だった。 あの夕陽。

あなたは愛がとても奇妙だと感じるとき、あなたは何をしますか? When you feel love is so strange, what would you do?

サンプルはこちら ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

When you feel love is so strange? The Definition of love

The word 'love' is strange. Sometimes I can not bear about 'love' things or matter. What do you think? There is 'love' that you find that was 'love' when you lost the one. But there are still many things I do not understand. Love is so strange.

Even when I was depressed about 'love',

I was writing a song this melancholic melody by playing the guitar.

In such a time, I wrote this song.

Perhaps, was I broken hearted? Or maybe I was only imagined my breaking love and wrote it?

Lyrics were made only for the first line a long time ago. I reworked in this recording and completed it!

Probably, I heard Leonard Cohen too much and so I headed to this theme. I think there are a similar phrase is in his lyrics, but what about?

Many great artists are singing about love.

The famous John Lennon 's My Love♩is still in my playlist.

And 'love' also fails. ♩There are not only good things in the world! ♩ is one of my favorite song by Kiyoshiro Imawano, RC SUCCESSION.

Do you love each other?

There seem to be many memories of his land in Kokubunji where I currently live.

One night, I thought that I saw him running with his bicycle when he was alive. It was over ten years ago, he would not have lived in Kokubunji and I do not know the truth. But the evening at that day was extraordinarily beautiful. Setting sun.

What do you do when you feel love is so strange? When you feel love is so strange, what would you do?

Listen up All these years I've been.


When you feel love is so strange

When you feel love is so strange, What would you do? What would you care about the most? When I feel love is so strange I arrange myself looking pathetic. Now you feel love is so strange? Are you going to holding back the truth? I feel I need to be a change I deserve what it causes the blues (pain)

We know we lost the time that can’t be returned. Though we tried to forget before our secret was found

When you feel love is so strange? Do you feel it all tear things apart? When I feel love is so strange. I do expect the thing will turn away. You start to behave a strange holding back asking a thing. Don’t you bother it is time now for everlasting love You used to say to me We are hurting each other for nothing. Let me make you smile again. Love is fine in a strange way

It’s alright, It’s quite alright.

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