1983 or 1984 I wrote this song. Before BLUE 439 I was in the Hard Rock Band called [TV-MAMA] with friends from High School. I was a Rock...
Diskord A Last night I woke up at somebody's bed I held up with some kind of love Last night I dreamt of you I've got the blues singing...

"All Those Years I've Been1 ONE "
The Album "All Those Years I've Been1 ONE " by Tom Dante will be released on 18th November 2018 It is a new recording of Tom Dante's old...
The Album "All Those Years I've Been1 ONE "
The Album "All Those Years I've Been 1 ONE " by Tom Dante will be released on sometimes November 2018! It is new recording of Tom Dante's...

Tom Dante's Song List
Which one is your fav? None? Fine! SONG LIST 1980 Elegance on you Just No Defense He is a society man Brown Paper Poisoned One Lucky...

Long hot summer 1987
It was also long hot summer 1987. Every weekend we gathered the Rock cafe bar called 'SONGBIRD'. The Bar located Tsudanuma. According to...

'whatever happen keep play music!' that makes me still going!
Fur disco page is open now! まぼろしテクノ・ファーイースティンページのファーディスコ、オープン! http://fureasteen.wixsite.com/fureasteen/discography

Tom Dante is the name taken from great Italian poet
Tom Dante is the name taken from great Italian poet 'Dante Alighieri' La Divina Commedia…Put 'N' inbetween DA and TE. DATE>DANTE Great...

History page uploaded
It is all started in early misty morning, since then the dream never sleeps alone … 1965 He was born in Chiba out side of Tokyo …Name...

London Kentish Town Bull & Gate Live
London Kentish Town Bull & Gate Live 1996 fureasteen play live at London Kentish Town Bull & Gate Live see the picture of our live set!...